As the transition progresses, a gradual integration approach will be adopted to ensure a seamless shift, particularly for the 55% of staff who have been accustomed to the old tracking software for two or more years. Newer staff members will receive one-on-one coaching during the transition, while seasoned nurses will undergo individual assessments to gauge their understanding of the system’s intricacies. Throughout this process, maintaining a balance between motivation and autonomy for all staff members, especially seasoned ones, remains paramount.

Strength Report Alignment and Rationales

The leader’s strength report indicates optimism, catalytic nature, coaching ability, empathy, and self-belief as the top five characteristics. These qualities align seamlessly with the outlined plan.

Maintaining a positive outlook is crucial in empowering followers during times of change. Moreover, tailoring education and support to individual needs fosters understanding and engagement among team members.

Selection of Situational Leadership

While the preferred leadership style may be transformational, situational leadership proves more effective in managerial roles, especially in diverse team environments. Understanding generational differences and providing flexible yet supportive leadership are essential elements highlighted by research (Sherman, 2006; Harrison et al., 2021; Specchia et al., 2021).

Importance of Implementing Situational Leadership

Situational leadership adapts to varying task types and skill levels within the team, ensuring a tailored approach to each situation. Recognizing the unique needs of team members and adjusting leadership strategies accordingly enhances overall productivity and goal attainment (Onaca & Fleshman, 2020).


Effective leadership in implementing change requires a holistic consideration of the situation, encompassing factors such as education, task complexity, and organizational dynamics. Adapting leadership approaches to accommodate diverse team compositions ensures successful outcomes and fosters a culture of continuous improvement.


Harrison, R., Fischer, S., Walpola, R. L., Chauhan, A., Babalola, T., Mears, S., & Le-Dao, H. (2021). Where Do Models for Change Management, Improvement and Implementation Meet? A Systematic Review of the Applications of Change Management Models in Healthcare. Journal of healthcare leadership, 13, 85–108.

Onaca, N., & Fleshman, J. W. (2020). Types of Leadership and How to Use Them in Surgical Areas. Clinics in colon and rectal surgery, 33(4), 228–232.

Sherman, R. O. (2006). Leading a multigenerational nursing workforce: Issues, challenges and strategies. Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, 11(2), 13.

Specchia, M. L., Cozzolino, M. R., Carini, E., Di Pilla, A., Galletti, C., Ricciardi, W., & Damiani, G. (2021). Leadership Styles and Nurses’ Job Satisfaction. Results of a Systematic Review. International journal of environmental research and public health, 18(4), 1552.

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